Annual General Meeting, July 16th 2024

The Annual General Meeting will take place at 19:00 on Tuesday, July 16th 2024 at the City Boathouse. The notice includes details of: Special General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club Annual General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club Annual General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club 1860 Limited Nominations for officers are now open.

Annual General Meeting, July 14th 2022

Members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club 1860 Ltd which will be held at the Clubhouse at 8pm on Thursday, July 14th. The Agenda includes presentation of the Club Secretary’s Report, Business and Finance Report & Captain’s Report for the past year, approval of the minutes from the[…]

Committee appointments for 2021/22

The 2021 Annual General Meeting took place on July 15th. For the second year Covid-19 dictated that it was a virtual meeting held via Zoom. It was also the first AGM under the Club’s new governance as Durham Amateur Rowing Club 1860 Limited. Annual reports were presented and the Chairman thanked committee members for their[…]

Club set to reopen after second lockdown

On December 1st MPs backed the introduction of the tougher system of Covid-19 tiers for England, announced by the Government on November 26th, which placed the north-east into the Very High alert level Tier 3 as the second national lockdown ended on December 2nd, having entered it in the High alert level Tier 2. As[…]