Membership Category | Description | Fee | Frequency |
Senior - Racing | For rowers who want to participate fully in British Rowing Heads & Regattas. Full details available in the club constitution. £30 Joining fee applies | £33.00 | Monthly |
Senior - Non Racing | For umpires, volunteers, supporters and rowers who don’t want to compete in British Rowing Heads & Regattas – rowing restricted to off peak times in accordance with Bye Law 12. Full details available in the club constitution. £30 Joining Fee applies | £25.00 | Monthly |
Senior - Improver | For those that are currently in the Improvers category and are above J15. £30 joining fee Applies | £25.00 | Monthly |
Senior - Junior | For Juniors in age category J15 - J18 (Y10+) £30 joining fee applies | £33.00 | Monthly |
Junior | For members aged under the age of 14 on the 1st of September of the school year in which they are joining. (J14/Y9 and under). £30 Joining fee applies | £25.00 | Monthly |
Junior - Improver | For those that are currently in the Improvers category £30 Joining fee Applies | £25.00 | Monthly |
Associate - Non Rowing | Non-rowing – Use of indoor training and social facilities only, no access to boats. £30 Joining fee applies | £16.50 | Monthly |
Friends | Non-Rowing – Use of social facilities only Determined by Bye Law 14 | £30.00 | Annually |
For membership signup process – please contact