There is a very strong master’s rowing scene at DARC. Many members were successful oarsmen and women when they were younger, some have taken a break in their rowing careers but as their children have grown up and the waistline has started to expand the call back to rowing has got stronger. So if you used to row and want to take it up again you will be very welcome.

The Masters group is currently the biggest in the club with members ranging in age from 27 which is the lowest age a Master can be up to 85+. We have crew members racing in Senior boats at Henley Royal Regatta and others racing in the Masters World Championships that take place every year as well as those that compete in local and National events. We also have members that row and scull purely to keep fit and enjoy the social aspects of the club during what is known as daytime or recreational sessions. All Masters groups have full access to the fleet of boats and the training equipment in the club. There are dedicated training sessions for the Masters groups and these are Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings for those training for racing events. The daytime/recreational groups train on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings. All members have access to the training facilities at the club throughout the day and some member choose to compete in Indoor competitions at World and National events as a result.

We tend to recruit new members to the club from the Learn to Row and Improvers courses but we also have members progressing from the Senior squads and those returning to rowing having had time away from the sport. The Masters group is a competitive group but at the same time a most sociable group that adds much to the make-up of the club.

We have a large number of masters men’s crews, covering the full ranges of ages and abilities. So wherever you fit, you’ll be more than welcome. The main criteria are simply showing up in the bar! We have a Masters A (average age 27-35) squad, who are mostly novice oarsmen, many of whom have come through the club’s successful Learn to Row / Explore Rowing courses.
Right through to the Masters E/F squad (average age 55-65), who can tell you many a story about past glories, and train very hard to try to re-live them. They have had some great successes at the British Masters, Henley Masters, and the World Masters Regattas over the years. They regularly come back with medals from the World Masters Regattas, to add to the medals from the British Masters each year.
Hopefully, the brief outlines of just some of the sections of the Master’s squad have given you a flavor of masters rowing at DARC. So whether you’re an ex Olympic oarsmen or someone who has never rowed before, come and join us. Winning, even at the local regatta level, requires many hours of training. Most would agree that the generally high level of fitness which results from the training gives a sense of physical and mental well being which is hard to beat. Come and join us and recreate the days of your youth. Well almost!!