Roles and Responsibilities
- Manage DARC accounts and ensure they are audited
- Ensure the DARC committee is aware of the current financial status of the club and advise of money available for future spending requirements
- Ensure the DARC bills are paid as required
- Prepare and maintain an annual budget for the club and recommend the level of membership subscription
- Prepare a rolling budget for purchase of new equipment
Key Activities
- Measure and analyse the financial performance of the club against the agreed budgets and report on it to the committee meetings
- Ensure payment and renewal of insurance and any fees to regulatory bodies are made
- Through consultation with the Chairman and Club Officials, prepare an annual budget for presentation to the club membership at the AGM
- Prepare accounts and arrange an annual audit
- Ensure all creditors are paid
- Resolve financial problems
- Canvas members’ opinions and forward these to the committee where appropriate
- Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the safety officer
- Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported
- Ensure the club rules and bye-laws are abided by
- Ensure that any welfare issues are passed to the Welfare Officer