Roles and Responsibilities
- Ensure that all club members who wish to receive coaching have access to a suitable coach
- Ensure compliance of participant welfare
- Manage a coach database
- Understand individual coaches strength and personal aspirations
- Facilitate training for all members wishing to qualify as coaches
Key Activities
- Assess club membership coaching needs
- Link crews or squads with appropriate coaches
- Develop performance pathways for coaches
- Develop and organise an annual coach education programme
- Record qualifications and courses attended by coaches
- Ensure annual club coaching audit is completed and returned to regional coaching commissioner
- Manage attendance at external courses
- Maintain a database of coaching resources
- Investigate funding for coach education
- Identify potential coaches from club membership
- Ensure representation by DARC at relevant external coaching forums
- Provide monthly reports of coaching activities to the Executive Committee
- Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the Safety Officer
- Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported
- Ensure the club rules and bye-laws are abided by
- Ensure welfare issues are referred to the Welfare Officer