DARC rowers prepare for re-enactment races

As well as the usual packed programme of competitive racing over the weekend of 13th/14th June this year’s Durham Regatta will include special events to celebrate the bi-centenary of victory at the Battle of Waterloo and its links to the Regatta. These will include a 1 hour celebration between 1.30 and 2.30pm on Saturday 13th[…]

Entries open for Allcomers Regatta 2015

If you’ve never rowed before but want to give it a try then Durham ARC’s annual Allcomers Regatta is the ideal opportunity. This year’s Allcomers, sponsored by Workwear Express, is on Sunday July 12th so you have about 2 months to prepare. All you need is a team of 4 people. Full details and entry[…]

Durham Regatta Report

DURHAM REGATTA 14th and 15th June 2014  – Record entry and new-look Championship events picture courtesy of Alan Sharp Coming soon – RACING NEWS – DARC AT DURHAM – GET YOUR RACE STORY TO ajaggard@btinternet.com NOW for inclusion .. The 181st Corepeople Durham Regatta was another resounding success with superb racing and enjoyment all round. The weather[…]

Durham Regatta Grants for Local Rowing

Durham Regatta have agreed to make available a pool of funds of £7500 per year, for at least the two year period commencing 1 January 2014. This amount will be used to fund grants of up to £1,000 to organisations involved in the development and promotion of the sport of rowing on the River Wear[…]

Carol at British Para Rowing Camp 2013

Carol participated in the British Para Rowing Camp 2013, held at the London Regatta Centre on Royal Albert Dock. last week-end. Carol, the first Para rower in D.A.R.C. has been classified as LTA VI (legs, trunks and arms – visually impaired) by British Rowing classifiers. Carol suffered a traumatic brain head injury in a car[…]


Fundraising and All-Comers

The Prince Bishop Fundraising Cruise 16th May A big thank you to all who supported the cruise and to Lynn and the Womens’ squad for their organisation. All 100 tickets were sold and the raffle and various donations raised £300, so the total raised £1300 for the new boats fund. The food was excellent and[…]