Curry Night – unwind after Durham Regatta

Our famous Curry Night and only £7 a ticket. Please buy your tickets NOW – Helen and Sarah need to know numbers so they can get the quantities right. Helen Adair and Sarah Rutter have been organising this for some time – lets support it and get together as a club. Tickets available from Helen,[…]

Durham Small Boats Head Cancelled

Durham SBH has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled again. Current conditions and the forecast are poor and an early decision is better for everyone. Still some time to get your entries into Tyne next week and hopefully the University Hayward cup will go ahead on Saturday in Stockton if you want to watch[…]

Durham Primary Regatta

Durham Primary Regatta takes place on Saturday 28th September. The Regatta offers events for Juniors, Masters and Recreational rowers over a 500 metres course. Full details can be found in the Regatta prospectus (PDF). Entries close 18:00 Sunday 22nd September.

All-comers Regatta – 30th June

Our annual All-comers Regatta will take place on Sunday 30th June. The event is aimed at those who have not rowed before. Get a team of friends/work colleagues together and come and have some fun. All equipment is provided along with training by our experienced rowing coaches.

Durham City Regatta Draw

The draw for Durham City Regatta is now available for both Saturday and Sunday plus division 1 time trial. Please ensure that all crewmembers, officials and helpers are familiar with the competitors instructions for Saturday and Sunday.