Organizers Shirley and Debbie report on cocktails, mocktails, fun and games enjoyed at the recent Ladies Night.
DARC held a Ladies Night on Friday 28 February 2025 at the club, with Cocktails, Mocktails, Chips, Brownies and Sweets. Turnout was excellent with 41 attendees and only 3 no-shows (they don’t know what they missed!)
They say a picture tells a thousand words so the event is probably best explained with more photos than words.
The night started with a quick cocktail lesson from Deb with Holly, Jade and Connie who picked up the art of cocktail making VERY quickly. Cocktails include a DARC Chocolate Orange, A Pinoar Colada and a Very Berry.
Once everyone had a cocktail, mocktail or another drink to hand we moved to where all of the tables were set up and onto the first event of the night, a picture quiz which focussed the mind (before the cocktails took full effect).
We moved onto Round 1 of the Flexi Test game. Each table had to find their most flexible person who would later compete against the other table winners. The game involves picking up an increasingly smaller piece of paper with the mouth with only feet allowed to touch the floor. We had to remind people not to get carried away as queues at A&E are pretty long at the moment!
As everyone needed a bit of a breather after that we had a chance to get more drinks and then played the Alphabet Game. Each table was provided with a smallish tray from the kitchen, chose a letter, then had to find items beginning with that letter and fit them onto their tray. When Deb and I planned this game we thought we were doing well when we thought of about 12 items per letter. Turns out we are amateurs and the ingenuity and scavenging skills of some of our ladies were way beyond what we expected! Suffice to say that the letter “P” tables had no chance against the letter “S” tables (sorry).
Scoring became interesting as the room effectively scored the items collected deciding “yay” or “nay”. On several occasions Paddy squared up to Helen A and verbal fisticuffs ensued (all in jest. I think!!)
At the end of the game I was assured that everything (including the dead plants) were returned to their original places.
After an exhausting round of scoring we moved onto a 2-horse (or 2-lady) race in the final of the Flexi Test game where it became apparent that neither Kaya nor Rachael B were willing to concede victory. To attempt to break the deadlock a piece of paper was placed flat on the floor in front of each of them, lipstick was liberally applied, and they then attempted to place the best “kiss” mark on the paper on the ground. Despite their differing techniques we still couldn’t break the deadlock with 2 amazing “kissy” marks on the paper, so they shared the top points. If you try this at home be careful!!
More drinks were ordered and consumed (we ran out of all of the cocktails) and then it was onto the last game of the night inaptly (is that a word) called “This Game is Bananas!” primarily because it involved oranges and satsumas, but no bananas.
Shirley gave a quick demo of the game and then each table had a go, working as a relay team, against the clock.
Jade was quick to pick up the “swing” of things and her table charged off to an excellent time.
But it’s fair to say that not everyone got the hang of it, did they Paddy?
As the night drew to a close scores were totted up and it quickly became apparent that one table truly possessed the killer instinct by not only winning overall but by also winning every game.
Paltry prizes were distributed (it was the glory that counted!) but they were incidental to a fun night.
Huge thanks must go the lovely girls who work for DARC; Connie, Holly, Jade, Kaya, and Rebecca without whom we wouldn’t have been able to hold the event.
Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers and we hope you can all walk ok today and haven’t strained anything.
Til the next time
Shirley and Deb
The evening raised over £120 for club funds.