Annual General Meeting, July 16th 2024

The Annual General Meeting will take place at 19:00 on Tuesday, July 16th 2024 at the City Boathouse. The notice includes details of: Special General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club Annual General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club Annual General Meeting of Durham Amateur Rowing Club 1860 Limited Nominations for officers are now open.

Crews trial at Henley

Men’s and Women’s crews from Durham ARC took part in trials at Henley during consecutive weeks in June. On Friday, June 21st the Women’s quad of Anna Golightly, Rachel Wilson, Lilly Muskett and Gabby Maxfield started in the time trial for the Chairman’s Trophy for Aspirational coxless quads at Henley Women’s Regatta, completing the 1400[…]

Durham Regatta draw and Volunteer Briefing

The draw and competitors information for Durham Regatta on June 8th and 9th have been published on the Durham Regatta website at Volunteers are also invited to attend the Volunteer Briefing which will take place in the hall at Durham ARC at 7pm on Thursday, June 6th. A copy of the Volunteer Handbook is[…]

Durham Regatta Online Shop

Durham Regatta’s Online Shop is now open for the sale of merchandise for collection over the weekend of the 2024 Regatta – Saturday June 8th and Sunday June 9th, 2024. Also available are entry tickets and parking permits which can be ordered online and collected from the Regatta car park on Friday, June 7th between[…]