Last week the club was informed that, apart from a Christmas break between December 18th and January 4th, the river will continue to be closed at New Elvet Bridge from Monday to Saturday each week between the hours of 0730 and 1700 until January 23rd 2021 while bridge repairs are ongoing.
This will come as another blow to members and all river users who have only just been allowed to return to action following the month-long Coronavirus lockdown which ended on December 2nd.
Following the absence of any meaningful racing for the past 9 months many will be anxious to get in some much needed training in anticipation of a return to competition with the winter heads season looming in the New Year, though of course participation in any activity remains subject to British Rowing’s Covid-19 guidance.
The bridge closure which started in July is necessary to enable essential structural repairs to be carried out. A key milestone was achieved in November when the centre deck was lifted so that the north and south joints can be reconstructed. The project is due for completion in September 2021. The current river closure restricts rowers to around 1km of rowable river.
With the region having moved into Covid Alert Level Tier 3 indoor training in groups is only an option for junior members, although the guidelines do allow adults to take part indoors using club facilities as an individual or household unit. Some members have however been able to take part in online training and Roger Stainforth was able to achieve some notable success in virtual indoor rowing competitions, winning silver medals at both the Scottish Rowing and British Rowing Indoor Championships

New Elvet closure November 2020