Double Gold for Lynn’s Womens’ Eights

The place, British Rowing Masters Championships, Holme Pierrepoint, Nottingham,19th May.

The weather was, for once, sunny with hardly any wind on the course.– amazing for Holme Pierrepoint. And amazing were Lynn Pain’s two IM3 Womens Masters crews. A Masters ‘C’ IM3 Eight and the slightly more vintage Masters ‘D’ IM3 Eight.

Their coxbox had been left behind in Durham but that didn’t deter coach and cox Lynn who was prepared to shout herself hoarse, but calmly, of course.

The Womens Masters D IM3 8 raced first, competing against Star Club, a Tyne United/Tyne/ DARC/ Tees composite, Monmouth, St. Neots and Champion of the Thames.

The composite crew had a 7 second start, as it was the only E crew in the race.
At 500 metres, all the 8s were catching the E crew, with Durham in the lead.

Durham won Gold, beating Monmouth by 4 seconds, with Star Club in third place.

The Womens Masters C IM3 8 raced soon afterwards, 6 out of the 8 still buzzing from their medal win in the D race.

The C crew was competing against Leicester, Liverpool Victoria and Stourport and this time Durham and Liverpool Victoria had the handicap start.

Durham went into the lead early in the race and extended it over the 1000 metres. The B crews were never in contention. It was another Gold result.

  • The D crew : Angela, Carole, Helen, Pat, Nicki, Sarah, Jill, Heather. Cox Lynn
  • The C crew : Helen, Carole, Angela, Pat, Nicki, Deborah, Rosie, Heather. Cox Lynn

Their smiles were as wide as the 6 lane course. It was a great result for the squad, with everyone winning a gold medal.

The Durham contingent provided several other medalists.

  • Gold for the Mens F4+ of Martin Judson, David Walker, John Watkinson, Paul Stanley and cox Emma Watcham.
  • Silver for the Mens F2- of Martin Judson and David Walker.
  • Gold for the Womens D2x of Gill Prescott with Strathclyde.
  • Gold for the Womens D/E IM3 2x of Gill Prescott and Helen Mcmillan.
  • Gold for the Womens E/F 1x of Gill Prescott