WebCam and Weather Station

After over a month of testing and tweaking Durham ARC is happy to announce our new River Wear WebCam and Weather Station. Combined together these allow club members to evaluate river conditions prior to leaving home. Images and readings are updated every few minutes throughout the day.


The WebCam looks out over the landing stage steps and has a good view of the river. Note the image included here is a sample and does not reflect the current view of the river.

Weather Station

The weather station monitors temperature, windspeed/direction, rainfall along with a few other parameters. All of these are presented in a handy graphical display as well as in tabular format for those who prefer it.

Time Lapse

During the testing period we have captured a series of timelapse videos from the WebCam. These give a feel for just how well used the landing stage is and also it shows how the river responds to extreme amounts of rain in the Wear catchment area.

The first full day of WebCam operation


Durham City Regatta Saturday 11th May


River Wear Flash Flood Saturday 18th May
